Swimwear Personal Styling
I’m Joanna. Thank you for swimming over to learn more about me and my blog Show Your Shells. I love swimwear and personal styling. I grew up in a beach town in Florida, where I wore swimsuits three seasons of the year. Buying swimwear was like buying underwear! While a teenager and in my twenties, I worked as a professional model and grew to love fashion and styling. After moving to the big city and getting a desk job, my love of swimwear turned into a hobby of shopping for swimwear online and wearing my favorite suits in rooftop pools. My “aha” moment for Show Your Shells happened on my honeymoon in Hawaii after my husband and I shopped at a swimwear boutique. I knew all the brands and had way too much fun talking with the shop owner about her inventory. My husband suggested that I consider working in swimwear retail. I agreed!
Next, I quit my desk job and worked as a resort-wear boutique store manager for a year. I learned how much I loved connecting with customers and helping them choose beautiful garments for special moments in their lives. After leaving the boutique, I launched Show Your Shells blog and began personal swimwear styling for friends and family. During this process and at the store, I realized that many women don’t know the basics of styling themselves, including their size, what colors look best on their skin tone, and how to care for their clothes. And, that many women don’t know where to shop for specific types of garments such as swimwear.
I redesigned Show Your Shells to meet these needs by focusing on three services. My personal styling Swim Consults provide you with customized style recommendations and through one-on-one meetings; my shoppable Swim Capsules are complete swimwear looks, or capsules, with the story behind them that are ready for you to browse, click, and shop; and my Treasure Chest includes curated lists of gems that are updated regularly for you to browse, click, and shop. My mission is to help you create a swim wardrobe you love to wear!
You won’t see too many pictures of me in swimsuits on this blog because my mission is to help style your swim wardrobe! I love that swimwear personal styling looks and means something different to everyone. I hope you’ll find Show Your Shells inspirational, inclusive, helpful, and fun.
swim capsules
Just for Fun
Now, a little more about me in the form of fun facts!
- My husband usually buys me swimsuits as gifts on holidays such as birthdays or Christmas because that’s usually all I want.
- I love Disney. My favorite Disney movie growing up was The Little Mermaid and I had several swimsuits with Princess Ariel on them.
- I’ve often described the palette of my wardrobe as what it would look like if a rainbow threw up – lots of colors and bright prints. That said, I also have a lot of love for the color black.
- No other physical sensation feels as good or calming to me as swimming under water. (And I always wear goggles!)
- I have a super sweet miniature cockapoo named T. Rex. I love dogs and dinosaurs!
Show Your Shells
COPYRIGHT 2020 - 2024